Blog posts : "etymology"

mad as a hatter

It isn't a great mystery what is meant when someone calls you "mad as a hatter".

What is more of a mystery is the origin of this insult. It is widely accepted that the phrase has its origin from the fact that as far back at the 18th century, mercury was used in the production of hats. It is well es…

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getting off scot free

"Getting of scot free" is used to refer to someone's ability to get away with something without being held accountable or having to "pay a price".

This idiom hasn't strayed far from its origin. A "scot" is in fact a tax, those who were lucky enough to not have to pay were said to "get off scot free…

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saber rattling

The term "saber rattling" refers to a show of power or  threat to use force (usually military).

It is believed that it originated from the actual act of rattling (shaking) one's saber while in its sheath on one's hip before the beginning of a fencing match in an attempt to psych out one's opponent…

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Flash in the Pan

This term comes from the day of flintlock firearms.  A gun was discharged using a small charge of gunpowder in the primming pan.  It didn't always ignite the main charge  and instead only produced a bit of smoke and a noise in the primming pan, hence the flash in the pan.

Don't Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth

Most people think this is in reference to the Trojan horse but most research shows this isn't the case.

Most likely this is recalling the need to look at a horse's teeth in order to determine it's age before purchasing it.
If the horse was a gift it would be the same as trying to figure out what it…

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Put in your two cents

Most likely the idea of needing to "put your two cents in" comes from the requirement to ante up in order to be a part of the action. The two cent ante was common during the 19th century (some home games still start that way). So in order for your comments to be considered an important part of the c…

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Pay Under the Table

There are two common stories behind the use of the phrase "getting paid under the table".  It is impossible to know for certain which one is the actual originator so I will include both.

This first is; before paper money gold itself was used as currency. Most people would have gold coins, bars and…

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7 blog posts